Miss those days…..

When I was a kid… I’d put my hand in shirt and told people that I lost my arms. Would restart a video game when I knew I was about to lose. Slept with all stuffed and no one felt offended. Had that one pen with five different colors and tried to push all buttons at once. Poured apple juice in glass and pretended that I was drinking whiskey. Hardest decisions was to choose which game to play. Faked being asleep so I would be carried to bed. Used to think moon followed our car. Watched rain drops on window and pretended that they were racing. Went to computer only to paint. Only fights with friends were about who would do batting first. Only fake friends were my imaginary friends. I used to sing in bathroom (now I make life’s decision there). I remembered once eating a fruit seed and was worried about thinking a tree would grow in my tummy. Now I know getting a bruise on knees were better, they heal faster than a broken heart. When I was a kid how badly I wanted to grow up… WHat the hell was I thinking 😦Image

Back up career option for women!!!

India is a funny country with funny customs. And the most funny part is marriages in india and the way it is performed. If a girl is not so good in studies here she doesn’t have much to worry about. Because she knows that somewhere a guy is working his ass off to get married to her.So mostly here a girl is married off as soon as she turns 18. Funny and strange, but thats how it works here. But this is not the same with guys. Actually its complete opposite with them! Since the time guys are still a kid, we are continuously told that we need to study hard, work hard, start earning good and then only we will get good look bride. :-/ If we fail to do so we might even get married. In short it can be explained as, finding a beautiful girl for us guys is directly in proportional to our achievements in life (read Money we have). There is a famous joke here in India, women always have a back up career because they know that somewhere a guy is working his ass off to become a doctor or engineer for her. So if nothing happens get married!! 😛

Why do girls need boyfriend???

Why do girls need boyfriend? And the answer to this is quite simple.It is because every moment something or other is happening in their life for which they can’t directly blame God, Karma or politics. So there comes the role of boyfriends. In other words it ca be said that they act as “Punching bag” for girls. And trust me there is no harm in that. We guys can take that tag as well. But my point is girls need to see their partner as something more than that. I agree that some guys actually obnoxiously retarded but then majority of us are really good. So, try to think of them as something more than just a punching bag and treat them the way they deserve to be treated.Trust me you will be surprised!!! 🙂

Girlfriend or part time mother!!!!

Having a girlfriend is like having another mother. At times it gets irritating but then think about it. She stops you from doing crazy things or eating some junk or saying stupid stuffs because she cares about you. She is sacred that you might hurt yourself physically mentally or emotionally in the process of doing something stupid. Like if you tell her that someday you want to do bungee jumping from China’s Skywalk building, how on earth you expect her to be cool about it and allow you to do it!!! Let’s accept the fact that we guys are emotional fool and kid at heart and always need someone to take care and look after us. So next time when your girlfriend tries to stop you from doing something, stop, think about it and if it seems legit then listen to her. She might as well prove to be your guardian angel. 🙂

17 months together!!!

Had the Crazy Guy convinced Delhi girl to have sex with her the very first day they met their kids would been 8 months old today!!! 😀 😛
So thing is they completed 17 months together. No matter how much they argued, no matter how much they fought Delhi girl was the still point for him in this ever changing universe. With her he felt different, one can say that he felt complete. he was sure of one thing that this was not the first time he was loving her. He sure have loved her before, in some different time, some different place under some different circumstances. Not a single day goes by when crazy guy doesn’t thank some higher power somewhere to make her a part of his crazy life. 🙂



The word called “TRUST”!!!

From all the past relationship if there is something the Crazy guy has learnt then that is trusting your partner. And also one of the most toughest thing in this world is to have a partner with a “GUY” best friend -_-. At times it gets really annoying for the Crazy guy to handle this. And No its not because he is insecure or anything like that. The only solution to this is trusting your partner! Because its universal truth that if a girl is loyal to you she will be that way no matter what. But if she has to cheat you, she will do that right under your nose and you wont get a hint of it!!!!

The price to pay…

“Are you OK I wear short dress?”, Delhi Girl asked. The Crazy Guy felt something happening to him. His voice got chocked, his heart felt heavy. Damn!!! Thats the worst someone can feel. He never thought he would have to go through all these all over again. What did he do to actually deserve this? :-/ 

The question is not about wearing short dress. Crazy guy knew that Delhi girl would not wear anything like that. What really made the Crazy guy sad was the fact that out of all the people he knew, Delhi girl was the last person to have done this to him. So finally Crazy guy realised that this the price he was paying for revealing himself too much to someone. Silly him!!! 😦

Fear is motivation…. or maybe not!!!

Fear is a great motivator….“, the Crazy Guy said. “NO!!!” Delhi Girl protested at once. Things don’t work like this she said. How can you even say like this? You should be nice to people and they will in return listen to you and will also respect you. By the crazy guy realised that he should not have said that it was already too late. Also he realised when someone is not in a good mood its not the right time to talk philosophy. Delhi girl could have gone on and on about it. So the crazy guy agreed to her. The moment he did that things cooled down. In his head Crazy guy thought,”sometimes peace is better than winning an argument!

Emotions and other shit!!!

Today the Crazy guy told the Delhi girl that sometimes he prefer to hide his emotions and feelings from others including from people who are close to him. Moment he said this, something inside him prompted to him that he should not have actually said that. Delhi girl got furious listening to this. And like always she took things on herself!!! Crazy guy always think about this thing with people. What is it that makes them so eager to be a martyr in love and war? Why is that people are so willing to take blame on themself instead of actually understanding the situation. Maybe this is one of those questions whose answer he will never get. No matter how crazy he think is world around him is always crazier!!!