Miss those days…..

When I was a kid… I’d put my hand in shirt and told people that I lost my arms. Would restart a video game when I knew I was about to lose. Slept with all stuffed and no one felt offended. Had that one pen with five different colors and tried to push all buttons at once. Poured apple juice in glass and pretended that I was drinking whiskey. Hardest decisions was to choose which game to play. Faked being asleep so I would be carried to bed. Used to think moon followed our car. Watched rain drops on window and pretended that they were racing. Went to computer only to paint. Only fights with friends were about who would do batting first. Only fake friends were my imaginary friends. I used to sing in bathroom (now I make life’s decision there). I remembered once eating a fruit seed and was worried about thinking a tree would grow in my tummy. Now I know getting a bruise on knees were better, they heal faster than a broken heart. When I was a kid how badly I wanted to grow up… WHat the hell was I thinking 😦Image